April 24, 2021

Well, it’s been a slow few weeks for photography for me. I started out the year with a lot of shooting, though, mostly thanks to participating in a free, low-stakes, online class. I thought having some prompts would help push me to get uncomfortable and get out there and shoot more, as well as learn some new things.

I recently divided “The Natural” gallery into two galleries, “Creatures” and “Environments,” to keep it from growing too quickly. I also added a few more shots to my galleries. The one I am most excited about is a bobcat I caught out at Sweetwater Wetlands here in Tucson. I had heard tale of this bobcat but had never seen it, even when others reported that it was around.

Other added shots are the Rattlesnake and Kestrel Hawk in Creatures, Saguaros with a snow-capped Mt. Lemmon, Gate in front of the Vermillion Cliffs in Environments, Sitting Man and Street Trumpet in Humans, Tohono O’odham Water Tower in Ideas, and a few new ones in Water. I hope you enjoy.

To wrap up this post, I was inspired to meet Chip Thomas yesterday, just by happenstance. Chip is a medical physician and photographer who has turned his photographs into beautiful, large-scale murals, particularly on Diné land in northern Arizona where he has lived since 1987. He has an incredible story and makes beautiful photos. Find more at jetsonorama.net.


Welcome to the website

So here we are. I’ve decided to start my very own website in order to share my photography with family and friends, and have a place to showcase some of my favorite shots. Will it be worth it? I have no idea. But it’s fun so far and I like the way it looks.

I’ve learned the basics on how to set this up and hope to figure out a few more things to keep it interesting. From time to time I will update the site with new photos and hope to use this blog to share a little about what I’ve been up to as far as my photography goes. Another thing I hope to do is establish an email list in order to send out a notice about updates to the site. Obviously I encourage you to go to the contact page, let me know you’d like to receive the email and submit your info. My guess is I may send an email every 4-6 weeks.

I’ll leave it at that for now. Thanks for stopping by!


Fishhook Barrel Cactus In Bloom

Fishhook Barrel Cactus In Bloom